Thursday, 4 August 2011

Christ University Master of Philosophy - M. Phil in Management

Course Overview: 
This is a full time research program of 18 months (approx) duration, in which scholars are trained to present their research findings. In preparation, they will complete prescribed courses aimed at giving them a thorough understanding of the principles of business and its application in various functional specializations. The ability to think systematically, and apply quantitative methods will give them the knowledge and skills to later work independently on their Ph.D. dissertation.

The candidates will indicate the area of general interest to them at the time of application, and finalize the specific area of research by the end of the I Semester, in consultation with the faculty member who has agreed to guide them. The candidate will have to defend the proposal in an open forum, before proceeding with the research. The candidate will have to present and defend the research findings, again in an open forum, before proceeding to write the dissertation. The quality of the research will be graded as per Christ University norms for the M. Phil. Program.

The electives offered by the department are subject to departmental guidelines (course pre-requisites, faculty and student availability). The candidates will decide on the electives, in consultation with the faculty member who has agreed to guide them. In each elective course, there will be about 16 colloquium sessions during the semester of about 2 ½ hours each, where the various topics will be presented by candidates, and discussed, under faculty supervision. Candidates will come prepared with the reading material listed for the session and indicated at the start of the semester. 
Candidates must obtain a pass grade at the end of the course. A Pass / Fail grades will be assigned by the faculty member handling the course on the basis of participation in the discussions, written assignments or open book tests. There will be no end-semester examinations.
Candidates from other streams may also register for these electives

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